Unravelled Development

Deploy Windows Services to a Virtual Machine with Azure DevOps

Lately I have been building a socket server for one of my clients, this has taken the form of a Windows Service since there is no Azure PaaS offering that allows you to accept raw TCP socket connections. The socket server is for an IOT device to send raw TCP packets to for processing. As part of the project I’ve also been working on the automation side of things. This is an important aspect of the project, since I don’t want to waste time building the project locally, zip, connect to virtual machine, copy file across, unzip, update Windows Service over and over again.

Azure ARM templates: Conditionally add an access policy to a Key Vault

Putting time and effort into developing Azure ARM templates for infrastructure deployment pays off in the long term, especially when all teams across an organisation adopt the same patterns. Recently at DrDoctor we’ve been developing an approach to generating boilerplate templates for new projects/service areas, but more about that in another post. So I thought there must be a way in the ARM template to conditionally add an access policy when running the ARM template in our test environment.

Performance tuning stored procedures - when indexes aren't the problem

Recently I have been doing performance tuning on a few stored procedures that power some of the most important parts of DrDoctor. Whilst I’m confident to say I can read query execution plans much better now that I could 6 months ago that isn’t the biggest takeaway. What I’ve noticed with two stored procedures in particular is that the reason they are running slowly is because they were both reading lots and lots of data from one or two tables which was then slowly whittled away into practically nothing.

Getting out of "a variable nightmare" - or how I learnt to let go and embrace conventions

I’ve recently been doing some work automating the release of our integration projects to our various clients, I was reviewing the work that had been done last week and noticed that there were a lot of variables being defined. If we continued on this course as we added new clients we would end up adding between 3-5 new variables, multiple that by say 100 new clients and soon we would have an incredible amount of variables to deal with.

Distributed multi-tenanted releases with Octopus Deploy

TL;DR; read the Octopus guidance, adopt the “environment per tenant” approach, try to make your process consistent across tenants and use scoped variables to make steps re-usable, keep complexity out. In my last couple of posts I’ve written about the various aspects involved with automating the release of our client integration projects. I’ve shown how to get TeamCity to build Integration Services projects and then how to deploy them into SQL Server SSIS Catalog with Octopus Deploy.

Deploying SSIS projects with Octopus Deploy

In my previous blog post I outlined how to configure TeamCity to build SQL Server Integration Services projects and then package the ispac file into a NuGet package. In this post I’m going to show how I set up Octopus Deploy to deploy the ispac to SQL Server 2012 and configure SSIS DB projects and environments. Deployment Overview Here is an overview of the process as is currently defined in Octopus Deploy.